
Testosterone-Propionate is one of the longest existing anabolic steroidsand since its inception and into the present day it has remained one of the most popular of all time.

Testosterone-Propionate is one of the longest existing anabolic steroidsand since its inception and into the present day it has remained one of the most popular of all time. Its popularity stems from many points but first and foremost it remains popular because it is simply pure testosterone, a hormone of great anabolic and androgenic power.  By its nature and direct mode of action Testosterone-Propionate as a pure testosterone form greatly increases nitrogen retention in the muscles as well as overall protein synthesis. Both of these traits are key factors in building lean tissue as well as preserving it and as lean tissue increases so does our overall metabolic rate.  Testosterone-Propionate can greatly add muscle mass, increase strength, improve metabolic efficiency, improve athletic performance and grant you a greater sense of well-being

Side Effects : The result can be significant rises in Estrogen levels resulting from the conversion of Testosterone into Estrogen, especially when Testosterone Propionate it utilized at bodybuilding doses and doses required for performance and physique enhancement. Cardiovascular strain and negative cholesterol changes are all peripheral effects that fall under Testosterone Propionate side effects